Develop Checklist for Team Members

Updated by Amy Thomas

Welcome to Develop by Criteria! Here are the steps to get you started.

To Do List

Take the TEAMscan

Time required: 5 minutes

Open your email from Criteria inviting you to complete the TEAMscan. If you did not receive this email, let your manager know.

Click here to learn more.

Take your personality assessment (EPP)

Time required: 10 minutes

If you did not receive the email inviting you to complete the personality assessment, let your manager know.

You can also find this in the To Do section on your Develop home page.

Click here to learn more.

Ensure everyone on your team takes these assessments.

Encourage your team mates to complete these tasks.

What Next?

  1. Design a personality-based challenge

View your Workplace Insights report: Go to your user profile and click the Workplace Insights tab to view your personality results.

Ask Coach Bo in the bottom right corner to "Help me find an area where I can improve my time management". Follow the prompts that Coach Bo provides.

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