Leveraging Coach Bo: Enhancing your Team Leadership
As a team leader, you can use Coach Bo to optimize your team's dynamics and performance.
Ensure that both you and your direct reports have completed the EPP assessment, or connected your results, if you took this as part of your application for the role.
Consult Coach Bo regularly by clicking on the icon in the bottom right corner of the Develop app.

Review your Team Personality Report
Ask Coach Bo things like:
- "What strengths does [“person’s name"] bring to this team? For this project [“describe the project”]
- “How can I best use [“person’s name”] strengths and personality tendencies to give both them and the team with the best chance to succeed?"
- “What’s something specific I can do to better engage or challenge the team [or a specific team member] this week given our team personality?”
Interpret your TEAMscan reports with Coach Bo
Set a regular, recurring time to take your TEAMscan (if unsure, try quarterly or monthly).
After each TEAMscan:
- Consult Coach Bo: "What are our team's key strengths and challenges based on the latest TEAMscan?"
- Follow up with:
- “How can we use our highest scoring areas more regularly? What’s a simple experiment we can try?”
- "What specific experiments could we run this week to improve our lowest-scoring areas?"
Quarterly, from the team-level TEAMscan, review overall team progress with Coach Bo and set new development goals.
Team meetings
Before team meetings, ask Coach Bo for advice on addressing team dynamics or performance issues.
Additional resources
Building Better Reflective Habits with Coach Bo
Using Coach Bo to Compound Development: The Power of Getting 1% Better Each Week