Select Your System Settings in Develop
As an admin user, you can customise your Develop account in several ways in the Settings area of the Admin Console.
Once logged into your Develop account, click Admin Console in the top menu. Click the Settings tab.
Who Can Join Your Organisation?
If the email addresses used by employees across your organisation have different domains (for example: and you can list all of these here. This will enable users with different email domains to use your Develop account.
By default, this is set to Anyone, however you can restrict access to your Develop account. Click the dropdown list to choose whether anyone, only people with the domain as your email, or a list of allowed domains may join your Develop account.
To create a list of allowed domains, select Edit Custom List.
Add each domain one at a time (everything after the @ but do not include the @ symbol). Click Add Another Field to add the next domain.
Click Save once all domains have been added. Once the action message in the bottom left corner has finished, you can click the cross to close the modal.
You can add to this list whenever you need to. You can also remove domains by clicking the trash icon next to the domain being deleted.
Who Can Create Teams
By default, all users can create new teams.
Click the dropdown list to change this so that only managers, team leaders and admins, or only admins, or a custom list of users may create new teams.
To create a custom list, click Edit Custom List.
Enter the email addresses of users who may create teams or select them from the dropdown list.
Click Save.
Who Can Add People To This Organisation?
By default, all users can invite new team members to join your Develop account.
Click the dropdown list to change this so that only managers, team leaders and admins, or only admins, or a custom list of users may invite new team members.
To create a custom list, click Edit Custom List.
Enter the email addresses of users who may create teams or select them from the dropdown list.
Click Save.
Allow Users to Link Previous Results
If your employees have previous completed the personality assessment, you can choose whether they may re-use their results or must complete the assessment again. By default, users may select whether they want to use their existing results or complete the assessment again.
If you want all employees to complete the assessment again, toggle this option off. When your employees join your Develop account, they will be prompted to complete the assessment again.
Enable Departments
You can arrange your Develop account to group teams within departments. Each department can be assigned a department leader, who can manage and view all the teams set up within their department.
Only admin users have the ability to create departments.
If you do not want to use departments within your Develop account, toggle this option off.
Default Global Header Image
All users and teams may upload an avatar and a banner to their profile page. Here you can upload an image that will be used as the banner image for all users and teams across your Develop account.
Click Upload, then click Upload a Photo to search your device for the image to be used.
Click Save Image.
To change a header image, click Upload New Photo to search your device for the image to be used.
Click Save Image.
To remove the header image from all users and teams, click Remove Background Photo.
Your organisation's admin users can create teams automatically when you upload your team members into Develop. To learn more about using this feature, click here.
Enable Automated Teams
- To enable this option, click Automations in the right menu.
- Toggle Automatically Create and Update Teams? on.
- In the popup confirmation message, click Confirm and Turn On.
Restrict editing access
You can restrict who has access to edit teams created through automation, by selecting this here.
- Click on the options to the right of Who Can Edit Team Information For Automatic Teams?
- Select one of the following from the list:
- Only Admins
- Admins and Team Leaders
- No One
Disable Automated Teams
If you no longer want to create teams automatically, you can turn this off by toggling Automatically Create and Update Teams? off.
By toggling Save all existing Automatic teams? on or off in the popup message, you can choose to:
- On: Save all existing automated teams and convert them to manual teams. Admins and team leaders can configure team members and team profile information for manual teams. These teams will no longer be automatically updated based on the manager-employee relationship in the csv upload process.
- Off: Deactivate all automated teams created for your organisation. These will no longer be visible in your Develop account. Note: if Automated teams is turned on again, this will generate new teams.
Click Confirm and Turn Off to update your account.