Extending Assessment Invitations

Updated by Amy Thomas

The maximum number of days candidates can be given to complete testing in the Criteria platform is 14. What if you want to give candidates longer to complete their assessments?

There are a couple of options in the Criteria platform.

No expiry date for invitation

You can create assessment invitations with no expiry date. On the invitation screen, simply untick the “Testing Event Expiration” field.

Once the recruitment project has concluded, you can delete any invitations that were not completed so candidates are not able to access the invitation later. We do not recommend this step if your pipeline includes other (completed) rounds of testing or an application form as this process completely removes the candidate record from your account.

Select the candidate/s to be removed and use the Bulk Actions function to “Delete Invitations”.

If you do not want to delete the invitations, making the job inactive will also prevent candidates from logging in to complete the assessments.

Extend invitation or re-invite candidate

If you have set an expiry date for your candidates' invitations you are able to extend this.

Bulk extensions

Select the candidate/s whose invitations are to be extended, then use the Bulk Actions function to “Extend Expiration”.

This will extend the candidates' invitations the number of days selected beyond the original expiry date. For example, the original invitation is for 14 days and the extension is 5 days, which means the candidates will be given 19 days to complete the assessment.

Extend individual candidates

If you only need to extend one candidate's invitation, go to their candidate card and click More Actions in the "Tests" tab.

Click "Extend Expiration".

Select how many days to extend the invitation by, then click "Save".

Send invitation emails

When you extend a candidate's invitation they are not automatically sent an email to alert them to this. To let your candidates know the new expiry date, send the candidates a reminder email.

If you are extending several candidates' invitations, select each one in the list, then click "Remind Candidates" under Bulk Actions.

If you only need to send the reminder to one candidate, go to their candidate card and click More Actions in the "Tests" tab.

Click "Remind Candidate".

Select the reminder email template to use, then click "Send Email".

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