Add Your Team Members to Develop

Updated by Amy Thomas

Depending on how your organisation has setup your Develop account, you may have the ability to invite new team members to join Develop.

From your Home page

Note: If you are a department leader, you will need to select the Team Leader / Team Member view on your Home page.

  1. Scroll down to the My Teammates section and click Invite Member.
  2. Enter the email address of each new user to be invited to your Develop account. Each address will need to be added individually.
  3. Click Send Invite. Each new user will be sent an email invitation.

From a Team Profile page

Note that if you invite new team members using the method above, you will then need to invite them to join your team. Following the steps below will invite new team members to join Develop and create an invitation to join your team.

  1. Go to the profile page for your team.
  2. Either click Invite at the top of the page or Invite new member from the Team Members section.
  3. There are two options for inviting new team members:
    1. Via email: enter the email address of each new team member to be invited to Develop and join your team. Each address will need to be added individually.
      1. Click Send Invite. Each new user will be sent an email invitation.
    2. Via link: a unique link for your team within your organisation's Develop account is generated.
      1. Copy the link and provide it to your team members. When they click on the link, they will be taken through the steps to create a user profile in Develop and join your team.

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