Take (or Connect) Your Personality Assessment
Taking Your Personality Assessment
You may have completed a Criteria assessment when you applied for your role at your organisation. You may even have completed the Employee Personality Profile (EPP) as part of your application. If so, the process for completing the EPP for Develop will be a familiar one.
Once you have logged in to your Develop account, Click Profiles in the top menu and select your name.

Click Begin Personality Test in the Workplace Insights tab on your profile page.

- If you have completed the EPP before, you can follow the instructions below to link these results to your Develop profile.
- If you have not completed the EPP before, simply follow the prompts on screen to complete the assessment.
Once you have entered all your responses to the questions in the assessment, you will be sent an email containing a brief summary and a link allowing you to view your Workplace Insights. Click View Insights to be directed back to your Develop account.

You will be able to see your Workplace Insights Report straight away. Refresh the page if you are already logged into your Develop account to view the report.

Connecting Your Personality Assessment
You may have already taken the Employee Personality Profile when you applied for your organisation so you can easily leverage these previous results in the Develop Platform.
Select the Link Previous Results option in the Workplace Insights tab on your profile page.

If you have already selected the Begin Personality Test option, you will be taken to the testing centre. Click on the Click here link underneath the Continue button.

Enter in the email address associated with your Employee Personality Profile and click Next.
Click Link next to the results you want to link to your profile.

Note: If there are no previous results associated with your current work email, or the email you used to apply for your job, you will be directed to log back into the Develop platform to start your personality assessment.