JobAdder Integration Guide

Updated by Amy Thomas

Integration Process

  • Discuss your account configuration and assessment packages with your Criteria Customer Success Manager (CSM)
  • Discuss the integration process, workflows and JobAdder configurations with the Criteria Integration Team
  • Criteria CSM will set up your Criteria Platform account
  • Integration Team will liaise with JobAdder Support to initialize the integration
  • You will activate the integration
  • You will set up JobAdder to display the new fields in the Job and Job Application lists
  • Put through a test candidate to ensure it is all working properly
  • Integration ready to use

Before you begin – JobAdder Pre-Requisite Set Up

Create Status Values (required)

Determine the JobAdder Status values that will indicate the testing status of the candidate. You will need to set this up in JobAdder prior to activating the integration.

  • Which status should trigger the assessments from Criteria? (mandatory)

E.g., Criteria - Invite for Testing

  • Which status should indicate the assessments have been scheduled? (optional)

E.g., Criteria - Invited

  • Which status should indicate that assessments have been completed? (optional)

E.g., Criteria - Testing Completed

New status values can be created in JobAdder in [Account > Admin > Job Application > Status] as appropriate. Be sure to associate the new status with a 'Stage' in your workflow so it will be visible in the drop-down.

A new workflow stage can be created in [Account > Admin > Job Application > Workflow] if you wish to add e.g., 'Online Testing' as a separate stage in your workflow.

Request assistance from the JobAdder Support team with the Status/Stage/Workflow setup if required.

You will need to login as a JobAdder user to activate the integration. This user will be linked to Criteria and any actions performed by the integration will be attributed to this user.

If you have additional user accounts available in your JobAdder account, we recommend you create a dedicated user in JobAdder for the integration, so it is clear what actions were performed by the integration, as opposed to your recruiters. It will also allow the integration to remain active even when you have staff changes.

Give the user a name that indicates their purpose e.g., 'Criteria Integration' and assign the 'Grant API access to integration partners' permission.

If you don't have the capacity to add a dedicated user, any user account with 'Grant API access to integration partners' or 'Account administrator' permission can be used to activate the integration. Just be aware that notes generated by the integration will be logged against this person's name, these actions were not actually performed by the user.

The integration will stop working if the user account used to activate the integration is deleted/inactivated. The activation process will need to be followed again to activate the integration with a different JobAdder user.

Display Custom Fields on Job & Candidate list views (per user setting)

When you are ready to integrate, Criteria will liaise with JobAdder to create 3 custom fields on your account to hold information about the candidate status and results related to Criteria. (These exact names must be used.)

  • Criteria Status
  • Criteria Score
  • Criteria Report

Note: A field called 'Criteria Action' will also be created automatically when the integration is activated.

Once the integration is active and the new fields have been created, you should configure the Job and Candidate lists in JobAdder to display these new fields. This will need to be completed by each JobAdder user as each user is able to customize their own view.

On the Jobs page, display the 'Criteria Action' column so you can see which Jobs have a Criteria package associated.

On the Candidate tab for a Job and/or on the Applications page, display the Criteria Status, Score and Report columns (Criteria Action is not needed here). This will allow you to see a summary of the candidate results in one place, sort candidates into score order and easily access the reports.

To display a column in a JobAdder list, click the down-arrow icon on a column heading in that list. Choose 'Show' and then select the appropriate field name the from the list. Repeat this process for each field you wish to show. You can then drag the column heading to rearrange the columns into your desired order.

To hide a column, click the down-arrow on the column you wish to hide and choose 'Hide'.

Activating the Integration

Once Criteria have enabled the JobAdder integration on your account, login to the Criteria Platform and activate the integration. This process will require you to login to JobAdder and that JobAdder user will become associated with the integration.

Note: If the JobAdder user used to activate the integration is disabled in the future, the integration will stop working and will need to be activated again.

In the Criteria Platform, go to the Settings menu at the top right, accessed by clicking on your profile icon, and select Integrations.

Click the Enable button in the JobAdder section.

You will be taken to the JobAdder login page, login with the JobAdder user you wish the integration to function as.

The next screen will show the permissions that the integration will require.

Click Accept.

Note: If you click Cancel, you'll be returned to the Criteria Integrations page. You will be able to use the Enable button and start this process again when you are ready.

You will be returned to the Criteria Integrations page, please wait while the integration is configured.

You will then be asked to select the status values that relate to the different testing stages. The only mandatory status is the one that triggers testing, however, it is recommended that you configure all 3 status values to improve visibility of candidate testing progress within JobAdder.

Click Select Statuses to save your configuration.

The integration is now active and ready to use.

If you forget the configured status values, return to this screen to check the values.

Using the Integration

Configure Job

Configure your JobAdder Jobs to be associated with a Criteria Package. When candidates are moved into the status that triggers testing, they will be automatically invited to the package configured for the Job.

In the Job, go to [Actions > Criteria > Select Package].

Select the appropriate package from the drop-down list and click Select.

The message will indicate that the package was successfully saved.

The Jobs List will show 'Package Configured' in the Criteria Action column once a Criteria package has been selected on the Job.

The notes on the Job will indicate the specific package that was chosen.

If you return to [Actions > Criteria > Select Package] for the Job, the drop-down list will pre-select the package that has already been configured on the Job.

Invite Candidate by changing status

This should be your standard process to trigger candidates to be invited for testing to ensure that all candidates in the Job are invited to the same testing. This process allows you to trigger testing for one or more candidates.

The Job must already be configured with a Criteria package, as per above.

Click into the Job and select the candidate/s you wish to invite for testing.

Go to [Actions > Change status]

Select the status that triggers the assessments from Criteria for your integration e.g., 'Invite'.

The Criteria Status column will indicate that the invitation was sent to the selected candidates.

If configured, the status for the selected candidates will also be updated to the status that indicates the assessments have been scheduled e.g., 'Invited'.

The notes on each candidate will indicate the package that the candidate was invited to complete.

Invite Candidate to different package

Use this process if you wish to invite a candidate to a different package, e.g., this may be used to invite the candidate to the package that includes a time adjustment. This process can only be applied to 1 candidate at a time.

Click into the Job and select the candidate you wish to invite for testing.

Go to [Actions > Criteria > Order Package]

If the Job has a package associated, it will be selected by default, select the appropriate package for this candidate and click Save.

The message will indicate that the package was successfully selected for the candidate.

The Criteria Status column will indicate that the invitation was sent to the candidate.

If configured, the status for the candidate will also be updated to the status that indicates the assessments have been scheduled e.g., 'Invited'.

A note will be logged against the candidate to indicate that they were invited for testing for the selected package.

Viewing Results

Once testing is completed, the Criteria Status column for the candidate will display 'Testing completed' followed by a message about meeting the score ranges (if applicable), the Ranking Score, and if any validity checks failed (if applicable).

The Ranking Score will also appear in the Criteria Score column to allow the candidates to be ranked/sorted by this value.

The Ranking Score will be used to color the appropriate number of Rating stars.

The Criteria Report column will contain a hyperlink to the Criteria Score Report for the candidate. The PDF report will be opened in a new browser tab.

If configured, the status for the candidate will also be updated to the status that indicates the assessments have been completed e.g. 'Testing Completed'.

A note will be logged against the candidate to indicate their overall and per-assessment results.

Note: sometimes the plus (+) icon must be used to expand the note to display the full text.

Adding Packages

Talk to your Criteria CSM about adding additional packages, alternatively, if you have a login to the Criteria Platform you can add a new Job and it will appear as a package in JobAdder.

The new package will appear in the drop-down in JobAdder as soon as the package (Job) is created in your Criteria account.

Multi-Round Testing

While it is not officially supported, it is possible to have candidates complete multiple packages. The results in the candidate list will be overwritten with the latest results each time a package is completed, so only the results from the latest package will be visible in the candidate list. Once a second package is completed, the report for the first package will no longer be available in JobAdder, only the scores for the first package will remain available in the notes against the candidate.

To perform round 2 testing for a single candidate, use the [Actions > Criteria > Order Package] menu item to invite the candidate to the second package.

If you are ready to progress all candidates to round 2, you could modify the Job to be associated with the second package and then move the candidates into the status that triggers testing.

At this point, the columns shown in JobAdder will display the Status of the second package and the results from the first package.

When the testing is completed, all 5 columns will reflect the details for the latest package.

Remove Criteria package from a Job

You can unlink a JobAdder Job from a Criteria package if you do not wish to have candidates complete testing in the Job.

In the Job, go to [Actions > Criteria > Select Package].

Select the Select a Package option and click Select.

The message will indicate that the package was successfully removed from the Job.

The Jobs List will show 'Package Configured' in the Criteria Action column once a Criteria package has been selected on the Job.

The notes on the Job will indicate the Job has been associated with the package 'none', meaning the package has been removed.

Re-activate Integration

When something goes wrong with the integration connection or configuration, the integration may become inactive and will need to be re-activated to restore the connection. Criteria will advise when this process needs to be completed again.

You will need to complete the 'Activate Integration' process again. Login to Criteria and click the 'Edit' link, to start the process. Refer to the 'Activate Integration' section above for step-by-step details.

Once completed, it will take about 5 minutes for the connections to be restored, so wait a few minutes and then re-attempt the action that was causing problems.

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