Criteria Reporting Definitions

Updated by Amy Thomas

This list provides an overview of the candidate fields that are available within the Manage > Reports module for the Test Data Report. Please note that the fields for specific assessments and structured interviews have not been included here.

Field Name


Test Taker Id

Unique ID for the candidate, 1 ID per job - this can be found in the URL when you view the candidate card:

Test Event Id

Unique ID set for the testing event, mostly used for internal purposes, mirrors Event ID in a different format 

Job Detail Id

Unique ID for the Job - this can be found in the URL when you are in a job:

Note: this is different from the Job Code, which can be viewed in the Jobs list:

First Name

Candidate's first name - can be added when the candidate is invited (direct link) or when a candidate begins an assessment (open link)

Last Name

Candidate's last name - can be added when the candidate is invited (direct link) or when a candidate begins an assessment (open link)

Email Address

Candidate's email- can be added when the candidate is invited (direct link) or when a candidate begins an assessment (open link)

Event ID

Unique ID set for the testing event that can be found throughout the platform (customer version of Test Event ID)

Test Date

Date that the candidate completed the testing event 

Test Scheduled Date

For invited events, the date that the candidate was invited to complete the testing event. For open link events, the date that the candidate starts the event (clicked on the link and entered their details). 


Job Title assigned to the job during creation

Talent Signal

Talent Signal score takes into account the job level settings for which assessments + structured interview scores to use and gives a weighted average 


If there is an assessment with an invalid results warning like in the EPP, the disclaimer will be shown automatically

Score Ranges Met

Shows Yes or No if the candidate meets the score ranges for all assessments that have associated score ranges. If no score ranges are selected, it will show N/A

Average Overall Ratings

Shows the average overall rating from Criteria user in the rating format chosen for the job for a specific candidate (not Structured Interviewing ratings)

Pipeline Stage

Shows the stage in the job pipeline that candidates are currently in 


If open links have been used, this acts as a UTM parameter* showing where these candidates got the link to take the assessment or structured interview. Can be set for platforms or specific recruiters and is set during the first module of Invite Candidates

*A UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) code is a snippet of text added to the end of a URL

Scheduled By

Shows which platform user invited this candidate to take the event

Test Status

Shows whether the candidate has been invited, is in progress, or has completed the specific assessment or structured interview event. This maps to the event status categories under a pipeline stage within a job.

Includes Copied Results

Displays true or false depending if the results for the assessment have been reused from another event. This may be from a different job or within the same job.


City the job position is in, set up in the job settings under Edit Job Title and Location.


State the job position is in, set up in the job settings under Edit Job Title and Location.

Country (Job Location)

Country the job position is in, set up in the job settings under Edit Job Title and Location.

Country (Candidate Location)

Candidate's country location, filled in at the start of an assessment. 


Displays yes or no, depending if this candidate was invited to take an assessment / structured interview in person

Time Adjustment

Indicates whether a time adjustment was given to the candidate and how much that adjustment is 

External ID

External ID for connecting Criteria data with ATS systems to identify specific candidates.

Internal Reference ID

Text field to set an additional reference for the job, such as department or cost code. Set up in the job settings under Edit Job Title and Location.

Note: this option may not be available, depending on your current subscription

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